Friday, February 27, 2009

Now your bookmarks would be private

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Bookmarking is a very useful option for an internet user. And when it's completely private then it would contain another value.

Public and private bookmarks are not same thing they should be separate. And private bookmarks should be really private. provides such service. There you can create an account, like an email account. In, they dose not provide any public bookmarking service.

If you are watching for a private bookmarking solution take a look at You can logon as a demo user (find Demo Login in the Help page on the site).
It has a clean look. You can browse your bookmarks easily, can select by a group or by a category or by a site. Just by a single click. Select from the drop down list and wait until refresh the list.

Add or Edit:
You can edit all information (all the fields) of a bookmark anytime.
There is a limit of storing bookmarks on that site, so you cannot bookmark unlimited. But you can extend your account limit by inviting peoples. If someone accept your invitation and create an account, your account will be expanded.

Other Features:
* Registration Free
* You can store multiple notes with a bookmark*
* There are two separate grouping facilities, one called group and other
one is category. So you can categorize your bookmarks in two different ways
* Another feature is you can edit field’s captions. So you can name it as you like
* You can store also your contacts in the AddressBook

To know more you can see

This all in a same page so no need to browse page after page. provides ajax, so the full page do not reload all the time. In the Same page you will see your account summery.

Get an account on - get your own planet - Store your personal favorites - enjoy your internet browsing life. Good Luck.

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